Vertically Middle Eastern

Odoo, the Middle East and Smart Way Business Solutions

“The effects of specialization is such a broad concept that it touches upon almost everything in our daily life...” says Rufus Franck, founder of Consultants 500.

So what are the effects of specialization? Here are the five reasons Forbes Magazine states businesses are specializing for

“Better Value Proposition” 

This means you can offer services or products of higher value for your clients. 

Better Networking” 

Better and more centralized social circles. Targeted marketing.

“Smaller Learning Curve” 

This means that most things that need learning will be related to each other.

“Higher Perception of Authority” 

You become the authority figure of the market, people will take your word as law.

   “Higher Perception of Authority”
More likely to get customers that need you for your service.

Smart Way realizes the advantages of verticality and specialization and has specialized in Middle Eastern Odoo. With over 50 successful projects implementations in various industries in the Middle East, Smart Way has become an iconic ERP implementer in the market with a vast knowledge of Middle Eastern business practices and an enormous repository of ready-made formidable, first-rate businesses solutions. 

A large amount of experience has rendered Smart Way as professional consultants of Middle Eastern businesses and practices. 

With Odoo at the core, Smart Way has carried out projects all through the GCC and other Arabian countries. Projects that manifested incredible and stellar breakthroughs in the below Business Apps

Inventory Management 

Human Resources Management

Accounting & Finance

Sales & Purchase Management

With tide-shifting breakthroughs in HR, we have mastered the art of Human Resource Management and have ready-made solutions for all GCC & Lebanon countries with a focus on Qatar, KSA, and UAE practices. Tackling all underlying concerns of complicated and multi-layered HR requirements and issues that you currently face. 

While the Middle East follows the GAAP, there are a few unorthodox accounting needs that are legally required by the state, which are also country-specific. Smart Way’s repositories blanket the accounting department for the Middle East, all the way from country-specific Chat of Accounts to Post Dated Cheques (PDC) with an awe-inspiring reservoir of solutions tailored to the Middle Eastern market. 

Inventory, sales, and purchasing taken to the next level while tackling industry needs vertically. Extensive experience has propelled Smart Way to come up with simple, easy-to-use, and effective solutions that add dynamic features to Odoo while maintaining core functionalities. 

Smart Way understands your needs. With solutions that resonate at the very essence of your business, do things the right way, the Smart Way.

50,000+ companies run Odoo to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.

Contact Us!

Vertically Middle Eastern
Adnan Bayoun July 30, 2019
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